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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • Where available, URLs for references have been provided.
  • Text is single spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the text in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • On behalf of all co-authors, the corresponding author assumes responsibility for the content of this submission.
  • On behalf of the coauthors , the corresponding author declares that there are no conflicts of interest that could interfere with the results.

Author Guidelines

Instructions to Authors
Manuscript preparation

Before submitting your manuscript, check compliance with the following guidelines:

Approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study referring to the submitted article was carried out is required when dealing with research involving human beings.

To improve the quality and transparency of health research, the texts must follow the guidelines of the Equator Network guides (available at: https://www.equator-, depending on the type of study:

  • For all types of quality improvement studies, see the guide “Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence” (SQUIRE 2.0, checklist);
  • For randomized clinical trials, use the "CONSORT" guide (checklist and flowchart, prospective registration of clinical trials being mandatory);
  • For systematic reviews and meta-analysis, use the “PRISMA” guide (checklist and flowchart);
  • For other types of review (metasynthesis, scoping review, mapping review, overview, integrative review, among others), use the extensions of the "PRISMA" guide (available in;
  • For observational studies in epidemiology, consult the “STROBE” guide
  • For qualitative studies, the “COREQ” guide (checklist) is recommended.

Article category

The types of contribution listed below will be accepted, one page equivalent to 2100 characters with spaces.

  • Original Articles: works for the dissemination of scientific research results. Articles in this category must be original and unpublished, containing, in their structure, thefollowing items: Abstract (Portuguese, English and Spanish); Introduction; Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; and References. These articles must have a maximum of twenty-five pages and forty-five references.
  • Medical Literature and Transplants: original articles from any medical field, including transplants, that are important for the knowledge of the transplant doctor. Articles in this category may be reviewed and the abstract of the original work will be published followed by a short commented abstract highlighting its importance. The abstract must contain up to two pages and present the complete reference of the work. Authors of this type of publication will be invited by the journal, but works sent without invitation may be considered for publication in the BJT, when considered relevant by the editors.
  • Review Articles: they constitute a critical and systematic evaluation of the literature on a specific subject, which may include: academic review; case review; systematic review etc. The text of articles in this category should clarify the procedures adopted in the review, as well as the delimitation and limits of the theme, in addition to presenting
    conclusions and/or recommendations and having a maximum of twenty-five pages and sixty references.
  • Basic Sciences Applied to Transplants:review articles on basic science topics, whose knowledge has relevant clinical repercussions for the area of transplants. The articles in this category must contain a maximum of ten pages and fifteen references and will only be carried out at the invitation of the BJT.
  • Case Reports: presentation of clinical cases of a certain disease, describing aspects, history, behaviors, etc. Articles in this category must include a brief review of the literature and contain a maximum of fifteen pages and twenty references.
  • Letters to the Editor: aim to discuss works published in the journal or report original research in progress. Texts in this category must contain a maximum of three pages and five references.
  • Technical Opinion: is intended to publish an answer to a practical question through an expert opinion (Who? When? How? Where? Why?). The texts in this category must have a maximum of six pages and up to fifteen references.
  • Pros and cons: texts produced by two authors chosen by the BJT editors to discuss positive and negative aspects of a controversial subject. One of the authors must write favorably and the other, contrary to a given proposition, each presenting a maximum of three pages and five references.
  • Transplant Image: this category is composed of images related to
    transplantation, which may be pathognomonic, typical, of US, X-ray, CT, MRI, surgery photo,
    microscopy, clinical sign, etc. The image must be followed by a short, explanatory text, with a maximum of fifteen lines and five references.
  • Point of view: this category is made up of themes about organ or tissue transplants, prepared by authors from the area invited by the journal's editors. The texts must contain a maximum of 1,200 words.
  • Special: articles, documents, works or opinions that do not meet any of the aforementioned specifications, published only at the invitation of the journal or after an opinion from the editors, but which will bring important information to the transplant community, thus not needing to be followed the classic standards of the magazine.

Manuscript Structure

Whenever possible, the submitted manuscript must comply with the structure required for each type of work. Information in the form of “footnotes” should be avoided. Author identification information (name, affiliation, acknowledgments, etc.) should not be included in the manuscript text, but reported directly to the submission system.

Title. It must be concise and informative, in the language in which the scientific text is submitted, with up to fifteen words. The use of acronyms or abbreviations  will not be allowed. The title of the manuscripts is mandatory in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Abstract. For original articles, abstracts must be presented in a structured format, with up to 350 words, highlighting: Objectives; Methods; Results; and Conclusion. For the other sections, the abstract may be informative, but must contain objective, methods used to survey data sources, selection criteria for the works included, the most important aspects discussed, conclusions and applications. Author citations, place and year of data collection and acronyms must not be included. Clinical trials must have a registration number at the end of the abstract. The abstract of the manuscripts is mandatory in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Keywords. Authors must specify at least three and at most six keywords that define the subject of the work. The descriptors should be based on DeCS (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde), published by Bireme – a translation of the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), of the National Library of Medicine, available at: The keywords for the manuscripts are mandatory in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Text body. The text must follow the structure required for each type of work. Information in the form of "footnotes" should be avoided, as well as the use of boldface, underlines, watermarks or other features. All studies cited in the text should be listed in the references section. Figures and tables should be inserted right after their citation in the text.

References. References must be numbered consecutively, in the same order in which they were cited in the text, and identified with Arabic numerals, superscript, after punctuation and without parentheses. The presentation should be based on Vancouver Style, as shown in the following examples. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the style presented by the National Library of Medicine List of Journal Indexed in Index Medicus, available at: Names of up to six authors must be cited in all references. Above that number, only the first six should be cited, followed by the expression “et al.”. For references in digital media, it is mandatory to include the link to the DOI or, in its absence, the URL of the cited work and the date of access of the columnist to the work.


● Journal articles

Donckier V, Loi P, Closset J, Nagy N, Quertinmont E, Lê Moine O, et al. Preconditioning of donors with interleukin-10 reduces hepatic ischemia- reperfusion injury after liver transplantation in pigs. Transplantation 2003;75:902- 4.

Papini H, Santana R, Ajzen, H, Ramos, OL, Pestana, JOM. Alterações metabólicas
e nutricionais e orientação dietética para pacientes submetidos a transplante renal. J Bras Nefrol 1996;18:356-68.

● Abstracts published in journals

Raia S, Massarollo PCP, Baia CESB, Fernandes AONG, Lallee MP, Bittencourt P, et al. Transplante de fígado “repique”: receptores que também são doadores [resumo]. BJT J Bras Transpl 1998;1:222.

● Books

Gayotto LCC, Alves VAF. Doenças do fígado e das vias biliares. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2001.

Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

● Book chapters

Raia S, Massarollo PCB. Doação de órgãos. In: Gayotto LCC, Alves VAF, editores. Doenças do fígado e das vias biliares. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2001. p.1113- 20.

Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.

● Papers presented at events

Sokal EM, Cleghorn G, Goulet O, Da Silveira TR, McDiarmid S, Whitington P. Liver and intestinal transplantation in children: Working Group Report [Presented at 1st World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition]. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2002;35Suppl 2:S159-72.

● Theses

Couto WJ, Transplante cardíaco e infecção. São Paulo.Thesis [Doctorate in CONCENTRATION AREA] – Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 2000.

Pestana JOM. Análise de ensaios terapêuticos que convergem para a individualização da imunossupressão no transplante renal. São Paulo. Thesis [Doctorate in CONCENTRATION AREA] – Universidade Federal de São Paulo; 2001.

● Electronic documents

Siqueira JS, Francisqueti-Ferron FV, Garcia JL, Silva CCVA, Costa MR, Nakandakare-Maia ET, et al. Farelo de arroz modula os fatores de risco de doença renal em animais submetidos a uma dieta rica em gordura e açúcar. Braz J Nephrol [journals on the Internet]. 2021 [access date];43(2):156-64. Available from:

Matsuyama M, Yoshimura R, Akioka K, Okamoto M, Ushigome H, Kadotani Y, et al. Tissue factor  antisense oligonucleotides prevent renal ischemia reperfusion injury. Transplantation [serial online]. 2003 [cited 2003 Aug 25];76:786-91. Available from:

● Homepage [Internet homepage]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; access in 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:

● Homepage parts

American Medical Association [Internet homepage]. Chicago: The Association; c1995-2002 [updated 2001 Aug 23; access in 2002 Aug 12]. AMA Office of Group Practice Liaison; [approximately two screens]. Available from: http://www.ama-assn.or/ama/pub/category/1736.html

Tables. The numbering must be sequential, in Arabic numerals, in the order they were mentioned in the text. All tables must contain a title without abbreviations and headers for all columns. At the foot of each table there must be subtitles for abbreviations and statistical tests used. Subtitles must be accompanied by their meaning.

Figures (graphics, photographs, illustrations). Figures should be inserted right after the citation. During the editing phase, you will be asked to send the images in .jpg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Illustrations taken from other publications must be accompanied by written authorization from the author/editor of the original text, with the source where it was published in the illustration caption.

Abbreviations and acronyms. They must be preceded by their full meaning when they first occur. In the subtitles of tables and figures, abbreviations and acronyms must be accompanied by their meaning. Not to be used in the title.

Author contributions. To take responsibility for the content of the research, all authors must have significantly contributed to its realization. The full text of the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) is available at: http://www.icmje.or/recommendations/.

It is recommended that authorship is based on the following criteria:

  • The author made substantial contributions to the design or planning of the work.;
  • The author contributed to the collection, analysis and interpretation of data;
  • The author contributed to the writing of the article or its critical review;
  • The author contributed to the final approval of the version to be published.

Data Statement Availability. One of the options must be informed:

  • “The data are available at:” (quote the repository and the DOI of the deposited data);
  • "Data will be provided upon request";
  • "All data were generated or analyzed in this study";
  • “Not applicable".

Funding. Acknowledgments for the financial support received from funding institutions for carrying out the research and/or preparing the manuscript should be informed, if any. The name of the funding agency must be written in full, followed by the grant number. If the research has not been funded by a specific project grant, the following information must be included: "This research has not received a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors".

Acknowledgements. They must include the collaboration of people, groups or institutions that deserve recognition, but have not justified their inclusion as authors.

Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and their simultaneous submission to another journal, in part or in full, is not allowed. Authors must inform title, keywords and abstract in the three languages. In case of approval, the manuscripts will be translated into languages in which the full text has not been presented. The translations will be submitted for approval by the authors at the time of proofreading, together with the respective Portuguese version. Translation costs will not be passed on to the authors.

When preparing the file for submission, the following should be omitted: authors' names and affiliations, acknowledgments, citation of funding agencies and indication of the authors' contributions. Such data will be requested after approval of the manuscript so as not to compromise the peer review process.

Manuscripts are submitted to the BJT online at: The corresponding author must create an account in the system to submit the manuscript file and provide the following information:

  • Manuscript Category;
  • Title of the manuscript, which must be concise and complete;
  • Authors – name of each author without abbreviation; institutional affiliation of each author, with hierarchical units presented in descending order (University, College and Department) and respective geographic region (city, state, country); e-mail and ORCID of each author. The names of the institutions must be presented in full in the institution's original language or in the English version, when the wording is not Latin;
  • A mini-curriculum must be included in each author's specific field;
  • Documents of approval by an Ethics Committee for Research with Humans or Animals, according to the type of research, when necessary. Such documents must be sent as supplementary files.

The entire evaluation process can be monitored by the system. 

All approved papers upon final publication in the Brazilian Journal of Transplantation will receive the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Updated June 6, 2024.

Original Paper

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