Outcome of a Physical Rehabilitation Program on Functionality and Impact on Quality of Life in Postoperative Liver Transplant Patients: A Systematic Review
Liver Transplantation, Quality of Life, Functionality, Rehabilitation ProgramAbstract
Objectives: To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the outcomes of a physical rehabilitation program on functionality and identify possible impacts on quality of life in patients after liver transplantation. Methods: Controlled clinical trials and observational studies were selected from the PubMed, SciELO, and BIREME databases that fit the PICO (P – population; I – intervention; C – comparison; O – outcomes) question “what are the benefits of a physical rehabilitation program on functionality and quality of life outcomes in patients undergoing liver transplantation?” Studies written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, published in the last 10 years were selected. After selection, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale was used to perform the methodological evaluation of the studies. Results and Discussion: A total of five interventionist articles were selected, most of which had good methodological quality. Only one study did not associate resistance training with aerobic exercises, but all had significant results regarding increased functional capacity and reduced perception of fatigue after liver transplantation. Conclusion: The studies indicated that the association of a resistance training program associated with aerobic training is beneficial in terms of muscle strength gain, exercise capacity, and perception of fatigue.
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