Descriptive Study of the Brazilian Journal of Transplantation: A Bibliometric Analysis



Bibliometric, Transplantation, Journal, Sex Disparity, Authorship: Geographical Differences


Introduction: Organ and tissue transplantation plays a crucial role in treating of advanced chronic diseases. In Brazil, this field has experienced significant growth driven by scientific research and an increase in the number of procedures. The Brazilian Journal of Transplantation (BJT) holds a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge in this research area. Objectives: To conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of articles published in the BJT to identify trends and characteristics of articles related to organ and tissue transplantation. Methods: A bibliometric analysis was conducted on 433 articles related to organ and tissue transplantation published in the BJT from 2005 to 2023. Data were collected and analyzed regarding the year of publication, number of authors, sex of the first and last author, country and region of the first author, type of transplantation addressed, type of study, and methodology employed. Results: A total of 433 articles related to organ and tissue transplantation in the BJT were analyzed. Articles related to liver transplantation were the most prevalent (29.1%) followed by renal transplantation (28.6%). Original studies were the most frequent (58.4%) followed by reviews (21.7%). Among original studies, retrospective observational studies accounted for 46.6%. Regarding sex representation, women were the first authors in 59.6% of publications and the last authors in 46.7%. The Southeast Region represented 53.2% of all publications by Brazilian authors, with the state of São Paulo accounting for 42.7% of national publications. Conclusion: Our study offers valuable insights into the evolution and distribution of transplant research in Brazil. It highlights areas necessitating attention and intervention, such as promoting of inter-regional collaborations, investing in infrastructure in less developed areas, and initiatives to ensure gender equity in medical research.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira, B. P. ., Paim, T. S. ., Miyahara, A. K. ., Vizzuso-Oliveira, A. ., Garcia, L. B., Silva, D. C., Boin, llka de F. S. F., & Rangel , Érika B. (2024). Descriptive Study of the Brazilian Journal of Transplantation: A Bibliometric Analysis. Brazilian Journal of Transplantation, 27. Retrieved from



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