Treatment of the Acute Humoral Rejection in Kidney Allografts


  • Adriana Reginato Ribeiro Serviço de Nefrologia. Unidade de Transplante Renal. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre / RS – Brasil.
  • Roberto Herz Berdichevski Serviço de Nefrologia. Unidade de Transplante Renal. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre / RS – Brasil.
  • Daniel Melquíades da Silva Serviço de Nefrologia. Unidade de Transplante Renal. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre / RS – Brasil.
  • Marilda Mazzali Divisão de Nefrologia da Escola de Ciências Médicas, UNICAMP – Campinas / SP– Brasil.
  • Luiz Felipe dos Santos Gonçalves Serviço de Nefrologia. Unidade de Transplante Renal. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre / RS – Brasil.
  • Roberto Ceratti Manfro Serviço de Nefrologia. Unidade de Transplante Renal. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre / RS – Brasil.



Renal Transplantation, Graft Rejection, Plasmapheresis, Intravenous Immunoglobulins, Antilynphocyte Serum, Renal transplantation, Graft Rejection, Plasmapheresis, Intravenous Immunoglobulins, Antilynphocyte Serum, Muromonab-CD3


Introduction: Acute humoral rejection (AHR) is a severe complication for renal transplantation usually causing a poor graft prognosis. A recent therapeutic approach with plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIg) has being proposed. Purpose: To describe the effectiveness of the treatment of AHR. Patients and methods: From January 2002 to April 2008 fifteen patients were diagnosed as having AHR, and they were treated with plasmapheresis and IVIg or ATG/OKT3 in our institution. Results: Reversal of AHR was attained in twelve (80%) patients. One-year patient and graft survivals were 100% and 73%, respectively. One successfully treated patient had the immunosuppressive regimen discontinued due the presence of sepsis, and the graft was subsequently lost. Conclusion: We concluded that this is an efficient therapeutic, allowing the survival of the majority of grafts.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. R., Berdichevski, R. H., Silva, D. M. da, Mazzali, M., Gonçalves, L. F. dos S., & Manfro, R. C. (2009). Treatment of the Acute Humoral Rejection in Kidney Allografts. Brazilian Journal of Transplantation, 12(2), 1091–1095.



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