Oral complications associated to organ and tissue transplants: a literature review


  • Paulo Sergio da Silva Santos Cirurgião Dentista da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo e do Centro de Atendimento a Pacientes Especiais (CAPE/FOUSP) – São Paulo / SP- Brasil.
  • Fabrício Bitu Núcleo de Estudos em Pacientes Especiais (NEPE) da Universidade Federal do Ceara – Fortaleza / CE- Brasil.
  • Fabio Luiz Coracin Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital das Clínicas (FMUSP) – São Paulo / SP- Brasil.
  • Romano Mancusi Sobrinho Serviço de Medicina Bucal do Hospital Alemão Osvaldo Cruz – São Paulo / SP- Brasil.
  • Roberto Brasil Lima Serviço de Odontologia do Hospital Geral de Guarulhos – São Paulo / SP- Brasil.




Oral Manifestations, Dentistry, Transplantation, Bone marrow transplantation, Bacterial infections


Oral complications may be important for investigate systemic complications especially related to the immunosuppression condition in transplants and with risk of infections. With the increasing amount of organ and tissue transplanted patients, it has become essential to have multidisciplinary teams to take care of transplanted patients, and among them, dentistry can and should be a part. This literature review intends to present and discuss the relevance of oral complications related to organ and tissue transplants before and after the transplant that can lead to severe complications interfering in a successful medical therapy. 


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How to Cite

Santos, P. S. da S., Bitu, F., Coracin, F. L., Mancusi Sobrinho, R., & Lima, R. B. (2009). Oral complications associated to organ and tissue transplants: a literature review. Brazilian Journal of Transplantation, 12(1), 1064–1069. https://doi.org/10.53855/bjt.v12i1.256



Review Article