Knowledge and positioning from nursing students on organ and tissue donation for transplantation before and after an educational action


  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira Universidade do Estado do Pará - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • José Sandino Wandenkokem Araújo Faculdade Metropolitana da Amazônia - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Lílian Cristiane da Silva Serrão Faculdade Metropolitana da Amazônia - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Rosa Maria Salmen de Souza Faculdade Metropolitana da Amazônia - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Márcio Almeida Lins Faculdade Metropolitana da Amazônia - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Thayná Desireé Rodrigues Martins Universidade do Estado do Pará - Curso de Enfermagem - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel Universidade do Estado do Pará - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Marcos Renan Miranda Neres Universidade do Estado do Pará - Departamento de Enfermagem Hospitalar - Belém/PA - Brasil.
  • Edvaldo Leal de Moraes Organização de Procura de Órgãos - Paulo/SP - Brasil.



Tissue and Organ Procurement, Students, Nursing, Health Education


Purpose: To assess the perception and positioning of nursing students on organ and tissue donation for transplantation before and after an educational activity. Methods: descriptive and exploratory research with quantitative approaching. It participated in the research 100 nursing students from the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th semesters of the nursing bachelor's program in a private higher education institution in Bel m/PA. Results: From 100 participants in the researched group, with ages between 19 to 54 years, the majority had ages between 34 and 39 years, representing 23.96% of the sampling, being 82% female and 53% Catholics. As to the knowledge, there was an increase in the amount of hits from 67,6% to 87% after performing an educational action, as well as an increase in the percentage as to the positioning related to the after death organ and tissue donation from 82% to 96%. A positive result was attained when analyzing the answers before and after the educational action, with an increase in the knowledge of students and awareness on the importance of the organ and tissue donation for transplantation. Conclusion: The reality of teaching in higher education institutions (IHE) was found detached and decontextualized from the guidelines set by the legislation that deals on organ and tissue donation for transplantation. It is understood to be essential for the professionals to be aware on the controversial issues as to the donation and organ transplantation process from academic experiences, and searching to continuously improve and promote discussions in their environment. The National Curriculum Guidelines emphasize the need and duty of the IHE to training health professionals turned to the SUS, in order to adjust education to the health needs for the Brazilian population. Thus, the theme organ and tissue donation for transplantation should be inserted in the curriculum design of undergraduate courses to training qualified and prepared professionals to deal with social demands


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How to Cite

Nogueira, M. de A., Araújo, J. S. W., Serrão, L. C. da S. ., Souza, R. M. S. de, Lins, M. A., Martins, T. D. R., Maciel, D. O., Neres, M. R. M., & Moraes, E. L. de. (2015). Knowledge and positioning from nursing students on organ and tissue donation for transplantation before and after an educational action. Brazilian Journal of Transplantation, 18(4), 104–111.



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