About the Journal

About the journal

The Jornal Brasileiro de Transplantes (ISSN: 1678-3387) was created in 1997 as the official publication vehicle of the Brazilian Association of Organ Transplantation (Associação Brasileira de Transplante de Órgãos -ABTO).

In September 2021, after 23 years of uninterrupted publication, the journal was renamed as Brazilian Journal of Transplantation (BJT), aiming at the internationalization of its content, using the ISSN 2764-1589.

The journal's abbreviated title is Braz. J. Transpl., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic captions.

The BJT's mission is to stimulate the development of all activities related to organ and tissue transplantation, promoting understanding and advancement in the science of transplantation, especially in Brazil and throughout all the Latin-speaking countries.

From 2023 on, the BJT will increase the number of articles published to 40 and adopt continuous publication, gathered in a single annual issue. Its scope, within the Health Sciences, falls within the area of ​​Medicine, with a focus on organ transplants and related specialties.

Aiming at disseminating the results of transplant research carried out from the Brazilian perspective and reality, dissemination to the international community, as well as attracting authors from other regions outside Brazil, all articles will be published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Papers can be submitted in English (preferably), Portuguese, or Spanish.

The authors are solely responsible for the content of the published article. There is no fee for submission, translation or processing of articles.

The journal's editorial committee is composed of researchers from various educational and research institutions, all with a PHD's degree. In addition to the Editor Emeritus and the Editor-in-Chief (responsible for initial  evaluation of submissions, regarding ethical and formal aspects, their subsequent assignment to section editors, and also for the development of the editorial policy and performance of the journal), It has 2 Assistant Editors (responsible for monitoring the journal's performance, making whenever necessary recommendations on editorial policies, visibility and innovations for its improvement), with 29 Section Editors (with a minimum of 2 specialists in: transplants per organ (heart, kidney, etc.); nursing; dentistry; organ harvesting; transplant coordination and even women in transplants. They are responsible for managing the evaluation of articles designated according to the specialty of each one, and for the decision on the publication of the manuscripts). The committee has an extensive Advisory Committee that assists the editor-in-chief in marketing aiming to attract manuscripts.

Currently, 30% are affiliated with international institutions and, among Brazilians, about 65% are affiliated with institutions in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), due to the greater concentration of researchers in this state, with the other members coming from other states, thus ensuring institutional and regional diversity.

DEIA principles

The Brazilian Journal of Transplantation (BJT) editorial team is committed to promoting the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) among authors, reviewers and readers, recognizing their importance throughout the flow of scientific communication.

Among the actions aimed at promoting the DEIA principles at BJT, the following stand out: consideration of the diversity of sex, gender, race and geographic origin in the composition of the Editorial Board and the selection of evaluators; adherence to the Guidelines on sex and gender equity in research (SAGER); correct use of DEIA terminology and inclusive language in published articles; encouraging the publication of articles related to DEIA principles that fall within the scope of the BJT; strengthening an inclusive environment for the development of all actors involved in the publication of the BJT so that they contribute to advancing these principles in the scientific community in the transplantation area.

Open access statement

The BJT offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principles of gratuity and the democratization access to scientific knowledge. To maximize the dissemination and use of published material, BJT adopts a Creative Commons license with CC BY 4.0 attribution. Thus, the copyright will belong to the authors and third parties are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or create links to the full texts of the articles, crawl for indexing, pass as data to software or use it for any other lawful purpose, including commercial, if due credit is given.


Archiving system

The BJT uses the PKP PN system to create an archive system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration.

Authors are allowed to deposit all versions of their work [Preprint (Submitted version), Accepted Manuscript (Version of the manuscript that received acceptance), Published Article (Registration Version)] in an institutional or thematic repository, without embargo.